Project Background:
Tropical Storm Hilary hit the City of Indio, August 19, 2023, bringing heavy rain and flooding that caused widespread damage to infrastructure and property. The storm overwhelmed local drainage systems, washing away a section of Avenue 44 at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel (CVSWC). This section of road has been repeatedly damaged by storms, most recently in 2010, 2013, 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2023. After Hilary, the City received approval from Caltrans to move forward with building the $35 million bridge. This project is funded by the Federal Highway Bridge Program (HBP), Measure A Funds, CVAG Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) and Development Impact Fees.
Project Description: The project is located along Avenue 44, between Palo Verde Street and Aztec Street in Indio, and aims to replace the low water crossing thru the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel, with a bridge. This section of road was washed out by Tropical Storm Hilary, and has remained closed since August 2023. The new bridge will include road reconstruction, street widening, and the addition of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and driveways. Other work includes grading the channel, installing concrete slope protection, building a new storm drain system, and improving street lighting. The project also incorporates the connections to the CV Link, a 40-mile multi-use pathway for cyclist, pedestrians, and low-speed electric vehicles. The damaged crossing is currently closed, and traffic will continue to be detoured during construction.
The bridge will be a cast-in-place concrete structure with three spans supported by large columns and deep piles. The project will also relocate water, gas, and telecommunications lines into the bridge. Once completed, the bridge will feature architectural design elements and new lighting on the pilasters on the bridge.